Nomura and Piece Future collaborate to drive next frontier in Intellectual Property investments

Piece future is glad to announce our strategic partnership with Nomura Securities Co., Ltd., one of the most renowned financial institution in the industry. With the set of goals in common, Piece Future and Nomura Securities will strive to work towards valuable ideas and provide innovative solutions for customers through our upcoming collaboration offerings.
This partnership aims to strengthen and support our customers with Intellectual Property Investment and Strategy services. As part of our partnership, Nomura Securities will be providing their clients with a broader suite of services, including Intellectual Property Venture Capital Programme from Piece Future. In turn, our clients will also benefit from investment opportunities with Nomura.
With a strong presence in the Japanese market, Nomura Securities will introduce Piece Future’s services and programmes to Japanese Corporations, to allow them to tap into South East Asia region market through Piece Future’s connections.
今回Piece futureは、業界で最も有名な金融機関の一つである野村證券株式会社と戦略的パートナーシップを締結したことをお知らせします。Piece futureと野村證券は、共通の目標を持ち、今後提供される協業サービスを通じて、クライアントに価値あるアイデアと革新的なソリューションを提供できるよう努力してまいります。
このパートナーシップは、知的財産投資と戦略サービスを強化し、お客様をサポートすることを目的としています。このパートナーシップにより野村證券は、Piece futureが提供する知的財産ベンチャーキャピタルプログラムを含む、より幅広いサービスをお客様に提供することが可能となります。そして私たちのクライアントは野村證券から投資機会を得るメリットがあります。
野村證券は、日本市場で強いプレゼンスを持つPiece Futureのサービスやプログラムを日本企業に紹介し、Piece Futureのコネクションを通じて日本企業が東南アジア市場へ参入できるようにします。
At Piece Future, we are very dynamic and nimble. We focus on creating new opportunities but pay equal attention to the environment and social impact. Our values aligned with Nomura’s business conduct and we are pleased to partner with Nomura to bring our services further to the Japanese market. As Nomura’s partner, we look forward to helping companies to showcase their research and development capabilities in an impactful way, improve productivity and generating better returns for these businesses.
Piece Futureは、非常にダイナミックで機敏な企業です。新しい機会を生み出すことに重点を置いていますが、環境と社会的影響にも同様に配慮しています。私たちの価値観は野村證券の事業活動と一致しており、野村證券と提携することにより日本市場で私たちのサービスをさらに展開できることを嬉しく思います。野村證券のパートナーとして、企業が研究開発能力をインパクトのある形でアピールし、生産性を向上させ、より良いリターンを得られるよう支援することを嬉しく思います。
Jason Loh, Founder/CEO of Piece Future
About Nomura Securities Co Ltd
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (NSC) plays the central role in the Group's core securities business. As the leading securities and investment banking company in Japan, we provide individual investors and corporate clients with a broad range of services, including investment advisory services and securities underwriting.
We provide individual clients with wealth management services meeting their individual long-term needs and risk tolerance. Our clients also enjoy access to a variety of services through our online service, the Nomura Call Center, and other IT-related customer services.
We provide corporate clients with a wide array of specialized services based on our strong research and solution-delivering capabilities. These include investment management support for institutional investors, M&A financial advisory services for raising company shareholder value, and underwriting stock and bond issues to procure funds from the capital markets.
By providing clients with high value-added products and services, we aim to both expand on our leading position in, and contribute to the continued growth of Japan's securities industry.